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"Knowing that the funeral directors fees are met in full gives me peace of mind, I can rest assured I have it covered."

The Golden Leaves Guarantee

When you invest in one of our pre-paid plans we guarantee that the funeral director’s fees will be met in full, when the time comes.

All Golden Leaves Funeral Plan funds are held in the Golden Leaves Trust. The Trust manages the funds to achieve stable long-term growth and is overseen independently by a board of trustees and regulated in compliance with The Financial Services & Markets Act 2001. The fund is annually independently audited and subject to strict actuarial reporting, it is solid, stable and above all, secure.

Your Golden Leaves plan covers 100% of the costs of the funeral director’s services specified in your plan. In some cases, however your family, your estate or executor may be asked for an additional contribution towards ‘disbursements’ (usually payments to third parties such as cemetery or crematorium fees, medical fees or musicians, for example ) if their prices have risen beyond the increase in the Retail Price Index.

You know you’re in safer hands

Since pre-paid funeral planning was introduced to the UK in 1984, Golden Leaves Ltd has been at the forefront of providers. We were founding members of The National Association for Pre-paid Funeral Plans and The Funeral Planning Authority.

Golden Leaves is a registered provider with The Funeral Planning Authority which monitors the marketing, financial and service provisions of the plan providers that it regulates.

We want you to be assured that with Golden Leaves your arrangements are in the safest possible hands. That’s why all Funeral Directors that we appoint to provide services for a Golden Leaves Funeral Plan have first to satisfy a number of stringent requirements. They have to demonstrate outstanding service records in their local community and must be affiliated to relevant accredited professional associations such as The National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) and/or The Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF).

Which Plan Should I buy?

Our From50 Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum plans offer a whole range of features which can be tailored to your needs and your budget.

What is a Green Funeral?

Our Green Funeral Plans offer biodegradable coffins, carbon offsetting and the option to plant a memorial tree with an engraved name plate and tree guard.

Why Should I start Planning Now?

“I may have years yet, why should I start planning for my funeral now?” Planning ahead can relieve the financial and emotional burden on your loved-ones when the time comes.

Golden Leaves Trust
16th Floor No 1, 12-16 Addiscombe Road, Croydon, CR0 0XT, UK
T - 0800 85 44 48 E - secretary@goldenleaves.com